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We. Love. Tea.

We love tea. We love teapots. We love loose tea. We love teabags. We love teacups. We love mugs. We love nattering over tea. We love endlessly refilling our mugs from the teapot whilst nattering over our tea. We love tea for breakfast. We love tea in the afternoon. We love tea at home. We love tea camping.

We. Love. Tea.

We thought that we have discovered all possible ways of drinking and holding our tea. But then we discovered this beautiful ceramic teacup with infuser and lid and we fell in love all over again.

Just look at it! It is glorious!

It got us really, really thinking about tea (have I mentioned that we love it?). What is it that has hooked us in?

It is the ceremony of tea making that gets us. You have to think about it. Whilst the desire to have a cup can be spontaneous, once you've committed to filling the kettle, you have to wait. Wait for it to boil, select your mug (what mood are you in? Quick and perfunctory? Wallowing and vat-like? Fancy or everyday? The new mug you haven't yet quite made friends with or the old favourite that's a bit chipped?), get the milk out of the fridge, pour the water into the pot and then wait for it to steep to your perfect colour of amber. It takes time...glorious, anticipatory, time. You have to be in the moment. There. Present.

Tea is the universal solution for everything! Stressed? Have some tea. Tired? Have some tea. Sad? Have some tea. Happy? Yep, you guessed it – have some tea! It’s the Swiss Army knife of beverages, a universal solution to life’s quirks and quibbles.

Tea isn’t just a beverage; it’s a lifeline, a moment of zen in a topsy-turvy world, and a ticket to a delightful journey. So, next time you’re feeling like you’ve been hit by a cosmic pie of randomness, just remember to reach for your trusty tea leaves. Let them steep, unfurl, and whisper secrets to your taste buds. Sip that tea with style, because in the wacky circus of life, you, my tea-loving comrades, are the ringmasters of flavour!

Tea, you fabulous leafy elixir, you’re the MVP of our intense world and we bask in your glory!

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