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Smashed Roasted Garlic Jersey Royals

Oooooooooo......I love Jersey Royal season. I could just eat them by the bucket load covered in butter. Our Smashed Roasted Garlic Jersey Royals go with anything and are great as an at-home oven-based dish, but you can still get the roasted flavours in your Dutch oven with coals on top of the lid, or in foils in the flames.

Just a few ingredients take these mighty beasts to godly proportions. Go on, I dare you to resist! Just act quick, the season is over in a blink of an eye!


Jersey Royal potatoes

Olive oil

Garlic, loads, crushed

Butter, loads




  1. Heat the oil in your Dutch oven and then add the Jersey Royals and coat

  2. Place onto the campfire and add some coals onto the lid in order to roast

  3. Once they are nearly done, crush them with a potato masher so that the skins split.

  4. Meanwhile, melt the butter with the garlic and oregano and stir all together

  5. Pour the garlic butter over the potatoes, stir and put the lid back on to finish

  6. Eat as many as you can until you burst

I kid you not, Smashed Roasted Garlic Jersey Royals are next level. Works with new potatoes too, but nothing beats a Jersey Royal!

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