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Seize the Day Middle- Aged Mamas!

I've been watching our scamps over the past month with awe and wonder. Our boy is fearless. Nearly the first half term of secondary school done and there has only been one wobble on the first day. After a few tears, a snuggle and a pep-talk, he has not looked back. Each day brings something else that he is getting stuck far he has started a band, got voted in as form captain, joined the water polo team despite only just about being able to tread water, successfully auditioned for the inter-house performing arts competition, volunteered to show new parents around the school, started doing duolingo as he has discovered the Spanish is not coming naturally and generally woken up with gusto every morning grinning from ear to ear. Our daughter has been putting in hours and hours of practice to overcome her fears and has stepped out on stage to do open mic events, sharing her beautiful voice and fabulous bass playing to rooms of strangers (honestly, it is goose-bump tastic!). Meanwhile, my default setting has been "middle-aged and grumpy" for many a time recently, stuck in a rut and saggy, and I seriously need a shake up. So I'm going to take a leaf out of our scamps books - time to seize the day middle aged mamas!! Who's with me?

Are you ready to unleash your inner wild child and conquer the world? It's time to grab life by the horns, take risks, and embrace the fearless, fabulous you! In this blog post, we'll dive into the art of seizing the day, trying new things, being proactive, and, of course, doing it all with a healthy dose of self-deprecating humor. So, buckle up, ladies, and let's embark on this bonkers journey together!

Embrace the Middle-Aged Funk:

Let's face it, ladies, we're not getting any younger, but that doesn't mean we can't rock our funky selves! Embrace your middle-aged funkiness and let it shine. Whether it's sporting a vibrant hairstyle, donning those flashy accessories, or strutting your stuff in those fabulous leopard-print pants, let your inner diva out to play. Remember, age is just a number, and you're only as funky as you feel!

Take Risks Like a Boss:

Middle-aged mamas, it's time to break free from the shackles of routine and embrace the thrill of taking risks. Step out of your comfort zone and try something new, whether it's skydiving, salsa dancing, or even starting your own business. Sure, you might stumble and fall along the way, but that's all part of the adventure. Embrace the possibility of failure, because even if you fall flat on your face, you'll have a hilarious story to share at your next night out!

Proactive Mama Power:

Being proactive is the secret sauce to living life to the fullest. Don't wait for opportunities to come knocking on your door; go out there and create them yourself! Whether it's organizing a neighborhood party, starting a book club, or even planning that dream vacation, take charge and make things happen. Remember, you're a middle-aged mama on a mission, and nothing can stand in your way!

Fearless and Fabulous:

Fear? What's that? As middle-aged mamas, we've faced countless challenges and conquered them with style. So, why let fear hold us back now? Embrace your fearlessness and tackle life head-on. Whether it's public speaking, trying a new hobby, or even asking that cute person you've been admiring from afar out for coffee, let your fearless spirit shine. And if things don't go as planned, who cares?!

So you gorgeous, feisty mother-truckers, it's time to seize the day and unleash your inner fabulousness! Embrace your funk, take risks, be proactive, and fearlessly tackle life's adventures. Remember, life is too short to play it safe, so go out there and make every moment count. And when things don't go as planned, just laugh it off and keep on rocking. You've got this, mama! Now, go out there and conquer the world and don't take no for an answer!

We can do this, right? I'm game if you are! Now, I'm away to dust off my Lycra and get moving, whilst simultaneously working out how to get Pinterest to drive more traffic to this website (no clue what I'm doing wrong - all suggestions most welcome in the comments!). Might even throw in a bit of singing along the way whilst working out what research I want to do for a PhD that I'm determined to start. We've got this!

Disclaimer: The advice in this blog post is meant to be taken with a grain of salt and a hearty dose of humor. Always consider your personal circumstances and safety when taking risks or trying new things.

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