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Pork & Pineapple Kebabs

We can't take the glory for this amazing recipe - ours is largely based upon Sainsbury's fabulous version - we tweak it depending on what we have in the spice rack and cupboards. Whilst here we are using peppers, any vegetables you have in the fridge could be used, so don't be afraid to experiment! The pineapple of our Pork & Pineapple Kebabs was the most pineappley thing we have ever eaten!

Whilst you could do under the grill or on a griddle pan, nothing quite gets the juicy flavour out of the pineapple quite like BBQ hot coals or the glowing embers of a wood campfire. The trick here is in the marinade and how long you do it for - we rushed it this time and it was still delicious, but overnight would have taken it to the next level. Do it the night before you set off on your trip and pop the meat into a tupperware/food bag and transport it in your cool box (need ideas for these? Check out our reviews here: - we've just got ourselves the Yeti Tundra 45 - watch this space for a full review once we put it through its paces this summer!)


For the marinade (whilst we don't normally do amounts, you want to get the right balance between sweet and sour here, so we have added them in):

200ml pineapple juice

50ml sherry vinegar (or whatever you have really!)

3 tbsp of chipotle paste (add less/more depending on your spice tolerance!)

1 tbsp dried herbs (we use whatever we have in stock)

2 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp brown sugar (light is best)

salt and pepper

For the kebabs:

Pork loin slices or pork shoulder, cubed

Fresh pineapple, peeled and cut into large cubes

1 green pepper, large cubes

Any other vegetables of your choice, cubed


  1. Mix all of the marinade ingredients and add the meat. Cover and refrigerate overnight (or for a minimum of 4-6 hours) - the longer the better!

  2. Alternate meat, pineapple, and pepper (and other vegetables if using), on your skewers.

  3. Place onto the hot BBQ (or griddle pan) and cook until the meat is done (usually about 8-10 mins depending on the heat) - turn to avoid complete burning, but you want the pineapple to char and caramelise in places.

We served ours with smashed, roasted garlic Jersey Royals and sweetcorn, but the accompaniments are completely up to you. It would work well with our homemade red cabbage and apple slaw, or salad and tortillas with sour cream. Let us know what you come up with and what you think of our Pork & Pineapple Kebabs in the comments below.

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