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Mighty Yorkshire Puddings

There were gasps. There were squeals of delight. There were little dances of glee. And that was just Mrs Camping Scamping as she opened the oven!

It is not everyday you make the most resplendent and mighty Yorkshire puddings that they enter the realms of family folklore. Well, frankly, today was that day. They towered above the dish, some may say they were as tall as the house. They were golden, crispy yet fluffy. The smell was intoxicating. They were legend.

The first bite was a revelation. The crisp exterior shattered, giving way to a cloud-like interior that practically melts in your mouth. The flavors were delicate yet robust, with a subtle hint of sweetness that perfectly complemented the savory roast beef. Each bite was a symphony of textures and flavors, leaving you craving more.

These Yorkshire puddings are not just a dish; they are a work of art.

It always blows my mind that such simple ingredients of eggs, milk and plain flour can make something so devine. So how to make them? What's the secret? Well, it all started with Jamie Oliver! He said to always use a straight sided jam jar for measuring - so that's exactly what I do. I have found Bonne Maman jam jars to be the best (Black Cherry Conserve is a personal favourite).

Crack your eggs into the jam jar and make a mental note of how high they go up the side. Then put in a bowl. Then add your flour into the jar to the same height and whisk into the eggs. Finally, then pour the milk into the jar up to the same height as the eggs and the flour and then whisk into the egg/flour mixture. Add salt and pepper. The beauty to this is that you can use as many or as few eggs as you want - just match volume to volume with the flour and milk.

The key is to then let the batter rest at room temperature, allowing the gluten to relax and the flavors to meld together.

Next comes the cooking. Preheat the oven to a scorching hot temperature, ensuring that the puddings rise to their full potential. Using a well-seasoned 12 well muffin tin, add a small glug of olive oil to each well and then put into the oven to heat up. The batter is then carefully and quickly poured into each well, and the tin is swiftly placed back into the oven.

20 minutes later, gloriously risen fluffy Yorkshires arrive. So big that they are pushing each other out of the tin.

These mighty Yorkshire puddings will forever be remembered as the epitome of perfection.

Forget the beef, it's all about the Mighty Yorkshires!

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