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Homemade Red Cabbage and Apple Slaw

We eat this by the bucket load - a firm favourite with adults and scamps alike, which is a mystery as it contains raw red cabbage, which if I served them that on its own they would run for the hills! I'm not complaining, I am delighted that they wolf this down. Shhhhhhh...don't tell them that I make it even healthier by swapping some of the mayonnaise out for Greek yoghurt. Standard and staple accompaniment at Camping Scamping HQ to all things summer BBQ and Campfire cooking. Really simple to make and lasts in the ice box for a couple of days - keep reading to see how to put together our Homemade Red Cabbage and Apple Slaw.


Red Cabbage, thinly sliced

Carrots, grated

Apples (we like Braeburns, but anything crispy and sharp will do), cored and finely slice (keep skins on)

Flame raisins


Salad Cream

Greek Yoghurt

Black Pepper


  1. Mix the red cabbage, carrot, apple and raisins together

  2. Add enough of the mayonnaise, salad cream, and Greek yogurt mixture to coat the veg and fruit - I tend to do a 1:1:1 mixture but the volumes depend on how much you are making!

  3. Add some black pepper to your taste and stir

  4. It will keep in the fridge or ice box for a couple of days

For something with so few ingredients that is so simple to make, our Homemade Red Cabbage and Apple Slaw is the perfect accompaniment to pretty much everything you are going to cook on your BBQ or campfire this summer - the list of things we have it with is too long to mention here. Make it part of your summer dinner arsenal too!

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