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Homegrown tomato, mozzarella and basil salad

Updated: Sep 6, 2023

It's been a very busy day at Camping Scamping HQ. Back to school for me, proper first day at secondary school for the youngest scamp and Mr Camping Scamping is lurgified with Covid. So tea tonight needed to be simple, quick, fresh and healthy. Cue a homegrown tomato, mozzarella and basil salad!

There is nothing quite like the smell of your own homegrown toms! This year we germinated, propagated and essentially raised, like they were our third born, a mixture of heirloom varieties : Alisa Craig seeds, Alicante seeds, Golden Sunrise seeds, Tiny Tim seeds, Moneymaker seeds, Roma seeds, San Marzano seeds, Super Marmande seeds, Tigerella seeds, Outdoor Girl seeds (The Little Trees Bees and Seeds Company via Amazon Tea was the last batch before the rejects and misfits get chutneyfied!

Could not be more simple - chop the toms, interleave with sliced mozzarella (torn burrata would be even better, but sadly the fridge did not deliver on that front tonight!), tear basil and sprinkle over the top. A drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and a crack of black pepper later, et voilà!

Super simple side dish and you can be smug in the knowledge that you grew half of it! Can be paired with all sorts - grilled salmon won at Camping Scamping HQ tonight.

What would you serve with it?

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