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Goats Cheese, Mushroom and Pancetta Pasta

This one is a goody! You can add pretty much anything you’d like into it and it will still be delicious - the goats cheese and the mushroom pesto make such an unctuously fabulous sauce that any veg will be elevated! We went for courgettes and sweetcorn in our Goats Cheese, Mushroom and Pancetta Pasta!

As always, any amounts in all of our recipes are approximate - we are a family of four with healthy appetites and this does us fine. We avoid offering cooking times as it all depends on your fuel source and how intense the flames are - just double check that everything is cooked through and piping hot! Whilst usually our first night dinner is over the camping stove, this time we arrived a little earlier than normal so had time to get a fire going and cook over the flames, which added an additional smokey layer.

Keep reading for the full recipe for our Goats Cheese, Mushroom and Pancetta Pasta…


Pancetta, cubed

Onion, sliced

Mushroom, sliced

Courgettes, cubed

Garlic, crushed

Tin of sweetcorn, drained

Mushroom pesto (currently can’t get enough of Belazu’s Wild Mushroom Pesto - spot on!)

Goats cheese, sliced or crumbled

Dried pasta


Olive Oil

Salt and pepper, to taste


  1. Heat olive oil in your skillet

  2. Add the pancetta and cook until beginning to brown - stir constantly.

  3. Add the sliced onions and crushed garlic and slowly soften.

  4. Then add the mushrooms and courgettes and cook until beginning to soften and brown.

  5. Stir in the pasta and then cover with water and bring to the boil. Cover with foil and move the skillet higher above the flames (or turn the gas down!) so that you have a slow, even boil.

  6. Add the sweetcorn about 5 mins in and re-cover.

  7. Top up the water as required.

  8. Once most of the water has gone and the pasta is cooked, stir through the mushroom pesto and sliced goats cheese.

  9. Warm through until the pesto and goats cheese make a thick, creamy sauce.

Just spot on! Want an easier cook at the campsite? Not a problem, chop all the veg and put in a gripseal bag in the cool box - whack them all into the skillet at the same time - it will still taste delicious! Hope you enjoy our Goats Cheese, Mushroom and Pancetta Pasta!

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