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Friendship and Freedom: A Memorable Weekend in Broadstairs

What a glorious weekend in Broadstairs it has been. Four friends, mums (but way more than that) united by scamps, whose bonds have deepened since those initial meeting at kids parties/school gates days, headed off to the south coast for a weekend of friendship and freedom, nattering and, frankly, child and partner free scamping. What a treat it has been for our minds, our hearts and our friendships (although our waistlines may be having words with us later!). We have laughed, cried, reminisced, shared, giggled, shrieked, chilled, walked, mooched, eaten, and drunk our body weights in tea, wine and gin. And it has been glorious!

If you fancy a break by the pretty town of Broadstairs with its higgledy piggledy streets, boutique shops, delicious restaurants (Kebbles for brunch was a highlight!), cliff top benches waiting for their owners and sandy beaches then check out the fabulous Sea Song. Two bedrooms, four beds (plus sofa bed) with everything you will need for a luxury stay. We were there in moody sea and brooding sky season but Viking Bay, Joss Bay and Botany Bay are thriving and vibrant in the summer. Stone Bay if you fancy it a little quieter and Kingsgate Bay is stunning! The photos here are from our wanderings this weekend. I can't wait to head back to capture it in the summer sunshine.

This weekend has got me thinking about the importance of friendship and the care we must take in nurturing and cherishing these fabulous bonds.

There's an inexplicable magic in the camaraderie shared between friends that turns mundane moments into extraordinary memories. It's not just about having someone to call when life gets tough; it's about having someone with whom you can share the silly, spontaneous, and side-splittingly funny moments.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of the importance of taking time out together. Amidst deadlines and responsibilities, the value of a pause, a moment of respite with friends, cannot be overstated.

Whether it's a planned weekend getaway or a spontaneous coffee catch-up, these moments are the glue that binds friendships together.

Reaffirming friendship bonds is like tending to a garden. It requires attention, care, and the occasional burst of laughter. Shared experiences, from navigating through the maze of life to conquering our fears, forge connections that withstand the tests of time. It's these shared adventures that become the threads weaving the narrative of our friendships.

And let's not forget the power of a good giggle. Laughter, after all, is the secret sauce that adds flavor to our friendships. It's the inside jokes that only you and your friends understand, the hilarious mishaps that become legendary tales, and the infectious laughter that spreads like wildfire during late-night conversations. On occasion you find a friend who is willing to share the squelchy duck in their arse! A shared giggle is a reminder that, no matter what, you're in it together, navigating the twists and turns of life hand in hand.

Kindness is the silent foundation on which strong friendships are built. It's the simple act of listening when a friend needs to talk, offering a shoulder to lean on, or surprising them with a thoughtful gesture. Kindness creates a safe space where friends can be themselves, vulnerabilities and all, without fear of judgment. It's the unspoken understanding that you've got each other's backs, no matter what.

Love, in all its forms, is the heartbeat of enduring friendships. It's the love that grows from years of shared experiences, the love that appreciates the quirks and idiosyncrasies of each friend, and the love that forgives and forgets. A true friend is not just a companion for the sunny days but a beacon of light during the stormy ones. Friendship can be loud, but perhaps even more important is the friendship that is quiet, constant and never waivering.

Friendship is a mosaic of joy that evolves over time, becoming more beautiful and intricate over time. So, here's to the wonders of friendship – to the laughter that echoes through the years, the kindness that knows no bounds, and the love that makes life's journey all the more extraordinary. Cheers to the friends who make the ordinary moments extraordinary and the extraordinary moments unforgettable.

Thank you ladies for the perfect antidote to my current life. Like many... I. Just. Don't. Stop. Between working 60-70 hour weeks, parenting, wifing, householding, daughtering there doesn't seem to be time, ever, for me-ing. This weekend has allowed a slither of me to be seen and heard. This weekend of friendship and freedom has been just what was needed. Here's to next time, although maybe with a little less duck!

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