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Essential and Delicious Campfire Foils

As you all know, we at Camping Scamping HQ are all about avoiding washing up! Integral to our pot scrubbing avoidance tactics are these essential and delicious campfire foils. Let us talk you through the simple staples of baked potatoes, chilli corn on the cob and chocolate, marshmallow banana boats. So, grab your roll of tinfoil and off we go!!

Baked Potato Foils

Take a spud, stab with fork, rub with oil, crack of rock salt and wrap in a double layer of foil. Place into the fire embers and leave for about 60mins or so. Open up and if the centre is soft then you are good to go. Perfect with a big knob of butter and our Campfire Chilli con Carne!

Chilli Corn-on-the-Cob Foils

Rub oil or some butter all over your corn on the cob, sprinkle with red chilli flakes and wrap in a double layer of foil. We put two small cobs into the same packet. Place into the fire embers and leave for about 20-30 minutes or so. Keep checking to make sure they aren't too charred. Perfect with our Hawaiian Slow Cooked Kalua Pork!

Chocolate and Marshmallow Banana Boats

Cut a slit through one side of each banana, taking care not to pierce both sides, squeeze in a drizzle of honey, sprinkle of cinnamon, poke in a few chocolate buttons and squish in some mini marshmallows. Wrap in a piece of foil and place into the embers for about 5-10 minutes. Devour with a spoon from the foil!

So there you have it, three simple, essential and delicious campfire foils so you can kick back, natter and chill whilst the flames do all the hard work!

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