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Dutch Oven Lasagne

This one is a new one for us at Camping Scamping HQ. Don't get me wrong, we love and adore lasagne, but we had never tried it in the Dutch Oven before and it came out a treat! Crispy, unctuous and completely moreish! All the classic ingredients, but a different way of cooking - although of course this recipe is also naturally at home being cooked in a conventional oven! Keep reading for our Dutch Oven Lasagne recipe.

As always, amounts in all of our recipes are approximate (we are in a field after all!) - we are a family of four with healthy appetites and this does us fine. We avoid offering cooking times as it all depends on your fuel source and how intense the flames are - just double check that everything is cooked through and piping hot!

Cook our Dutch Oven Lasagne how it suits you, in the environment you are in - campfire, camping stove or oven. It will be delicious either way! Dutch Oven over the flames for Camping Scamping on this one (and weekday dinner at home if we are being honest - we just can't resist it!), just take care to not catch the bottom.


Beef and pork mince

Onion, chopped

Garlic, crushed

Mushrooms, chopped

Mixed herbs

Tins of tomatoes (we use two)

Tomato puree

Balsamic glaze

Worcester sauce

Glug of red wine

Lasagne sheets

Dolmio white sauce (no chance on camping earth I am making this from scratch in a field!)

Grated cheddar and mozzarella

Grated parmesan

Black pepper


  1. Soften the onion and garlic in olive oil.

  2. Add the mince and stir until cooked through.

  3. Add the mushrooms and cook until beginning to soften.

  4. Add a glug of red wine and bring to the boil. Pour yourself a glass, you've earned it!

  5. Add the herbs, splash of Worcester sauce and a squirt of balsamic glaze and stir through.

  6. Add the tins of tomatoes, fill one tin with with water and swill into the other tin and then add to the mixture.

  7. Bring to the boil, then cook slowly until it has reduced and thickened.

  8. Add a few spoonfuls to the bottom of the Dutch oven, cover with a layer of lasagne sheets, then cover with a layer of white sauce.

  9. Repeat step 8 for as many times as you can for your meat sauce, lasagne and white sauce amounts.

  10. Finish the layering at the layer of your white sauce.

  11. Scatter grated cheddar and mozzarella over the top and sprinkle with grated parmesan.

  12. A crack of black pepper on top and then lid on and over the fire with some embers on top of the lid to cook from above and below.

  13. Serve with a crisp green salad.

If you are worried about the bottom catching, line with a double layer of parchment cases. Although to be honest our scamps fight over the gnarly bits! So there you are, a variation on an old friend - our Dutch Oven Lasagne. Enjoy!

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