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Comforting Cottage Pie

Nothing says Autumn, darker nights and snuggling up quite like a cottage pie. This is an absolute staple at Camping Scamping HQ and easily accomplished in a Dutch oven over a campfire. Not quite one pot cooking as you need to make your mash, but you could make that in advance and bring it with you!!

As always, any amounts in all of our recipes are approximate - we are a family of four with healthy appetites and this does us fine. We avoid offering cooking times as it all depends on your fuel source and how intense the flames are - just double check that everything is cooked through and piping hot!

Keep reading to discover how easy it is to make our Comforting Cottage Pie...


For the base:

Onion, chopped

Pork mince

Carrot, cubed



Gravy browning (we are all about the Bisto!)

Olive oil

For the mash topping:

Potatoes, peeled and chunked



Black pepper

Grated cheese


  1. Heat some olive oil in a Dutch oven.

  2. Add the onions and soften.

  3. Next, add the mince and stir until brown all the way through.

  4. Add the carrots and sweetcorn and then enough water to just cover the meat and vegetable mixture.

  5. Leave to boil for about 10-15 minutes.

  6. Meanwhile, boil the potatoes until soft. Then mash with a glug of milk, a dollop of butter and a crack of black pepper.

  7. Add gravy browning to the mince and vegetables until it is thick and unctuous.

  8. Spoon the mash in small amounts around the top of the mince mixture to avoid it sinking.

  9. Using a fork, spread the mash so that it covers the top of the mince.

  10. Sprinkle with cheese.

  11. If you are over a fire, put the lid on the Dutch oven and place some embers on top until the cheese melts and becomes golden. Alternatively, if you are in the kitchen, whack it in the oven, without lid.

There you go! How easy is that!! Monstrously delicious too. Never any left at Camping Scamling for left overs as we can never get enough of our Comforting Cottage Pie!!

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