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Chicken, mushroom and goats cheese pennoni pasta

Updated: Oct 1, 2023

There is no reason why camping cooking needs to be all charcoaled burgers and marshmallows (not that there is anything wrong with that!). Sometimes, it's just as easy to cook something nutritious, simple, and delicious. The limiting factor when camping is the number of gas rings, or campfires you have right, and let's face it, it is usually one! Just grab yourself a decent 12" skillet, so you can move from stove to fire if needed, and the world of gourmet "one pot" camping cooking is your oyster!

Let's start the ball rolling with the über simple chicken, mushroom and goats cheese pennoni pasta! We promise you won't be disappointed!

Amounts are approximate (we are in a field after all!) - we are a family of four with healthy appetites and this does us fine. We avoid offering cooking times as it all depends on your fuel source and how intense the flames are - just double check that everything is cooked through and piping hot!

To make this even simpler, you could chop everything before you leave home. Put in some Tupperware, and pack carefully in your cool box so you can spend more time chilling with a cold beer.

Follow the recipe below for our chicken, mushroom and goats cheese pennoni pasta...


Two good glugs of olive oil

Large onion

Two garlic cloves

One courgette

Handful of mushrooms

Chicken fillets - we use about 350g

Pennoni rigati pasta - about 350g - any big type will do, you want it fill up with the creamy sauce!

Stick of goats cheese

Crack of black pepper



  1. Start by heating oil in your skillet until it is smoking hot.

  2. Add the chopped chicken fillets and cook until there is no pink inside. Remove from the skillet into a bowl and cover with a plate.

  3. Add a dash more oil and then sauté the chopped onions and garlic until they start to golden. Add the chopped courgette and mushrooms and keep stirring.

  4. When the vegetables have softened add enough pasta to cover the skillet, stir and then add enough water to just cover the pasta. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer.

  5. Reduce the water by about three quarters, stirring occasionally, and then return the cooked chicken. Stir and allow most of the remaining water to evaporate until you are left with a starchy sauce.

  6. Tear the goats cheese into small pieces, dot over the cooked pasta and stir to make a rich, glossy sauce.

  7. Season, serve and devour immediately.

We'd say how to store the leftovers, but you won't have that problem - there won't be any!

Let us know in the comments below what you think of our chicken, mushrooms and goats cheese pennoni pasta. Would love to see pictures of your versions over on instagram - remember to tag us @campingscamping!

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